Spilling life over a cup of coffee...

Saturday, March 6, 2010

The Night-Keeper

It is 330 in the morning and you must be all snuggled up in your bed. You must be in all sleep with a sort of calmness in your face. Your hair must have been tangled somewhere. But you are unnoticed of that. You lie there totally unconnected to the world. Your dawn is yet to begin.
You may not realize but you are currently experiencing the most peaceful moment of your day. When you just got into the bed you must have struggled for a moment revising the entire day in your mind. Some talks that made you giggle and some which made you sad are all into some unconscious part of your brain which have already produced some kind of neurotic signals and frequencies, are all asleep now. And you are all in peace.
Very much unbothered about the day that is yet to start, you ride in your deep undisturbed thoughts. You do not care if sun is going to rise, you have no concern if the sky still exists, it does not matter to you if the raindrops are hanging in the air; at this moment nothing matters you are unconsciously living for yourself, which I do not see often. That mirror of yours stares at you for most of the time in the day. What to do , you love staying in front of it, for hours so much managing your every single hair. Your Dress covers you with perfect angles and your eyes are guarded with the kohl. And now you have the most unguarded eyes, though close, but hold every emotion of yours intact. Your dress follows no rules and sleeps with you enjoying its freedom. Your hair that have troubled you the whole day, placed themselves completely over your cheeks and forehead kissing them, as you do not allow them to even touch your cheeks the whole day around.
Your pillow seems to be so lucky. You are giving the most dearest hug to your pillow, holding it so close, so tight. It does not complain. It holds you tight too; it had been waiting for you to come, the entire day.
The whole day you existed with the crowd trying not to be alone and now you are living in your sleep alone with everyone so close to you.
The whole day you made every effort to sort out the emptiness within you, and now the emptiness holds everything for you.
The entire day you had something missing, and now you sleep satisfied, though very much unaware yourself. I see you so much pure. Though so effortless on your part I see the actual-you. I wish I could give you my eyes now to let you see how “completeness in you” comes effortless just embracing your world around. I wish I could show you how the magnificent-you surrounds you all the time waiting to be embraced, very effortlessly again.
I know in sometime the sun will rise in your window and balm your eyes with its rays. At the first instant the brightness may blind you but you know that is the light will help you see. But it is yet to be dawn. I am standing right in front of you. You cannot see me but I can. I see you as the most delicate thing in my life. I am afraid to touch you; I may disturb you I feel. I am just there to protect you and I shall leave you with the day.
Live your day with every breath you take and whenever in the day you feel something missing remember I will come to you at night…
Image Cutesy: Robert Winslow

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